Graphic Design Specialization from Coursera
I am given the privilege of free access to some of courses on Coursera by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. This opportunity was given to students of certain universities and I, being student of University of the Punjab, had this chance. Upon my friends’ continuous persistence I applied for this initiative. After general screening process, I got access to all of those courses. However, due to my inconsistent attitude I was unable to get maximum out of what was given to me.
After joining Amal Career — Prep fellowship, I started to have some direction in my life. I don’t have a definite answer but I am very clear on how to move forward. I have enrolled in Graphic Design purely because of deep fascination for Art and I’m tech savvy. I love playing and experimenting with colors on my computer so I decided to go with Graphic Design at the moment.
I am done with my 1 module (first week) of first course of Fundamental of Graphic Design, it is a specialization of 5 months consisting of 5 courses. I had to make denotative image making of any random house hold object. One of which turned out really well and is attached to this blog.